Safeguarding the Digital Seas: MT’s Fortinet-Enhanced Cybersecurity for the Maritime Sector

In today’s interconnected world, digitalization touches all facets of life, including the maritime sector. As maritime operations capitalize on technological advancements for better efficiency and competitiveness, they inevitably open themselves to the unrelenting tide of cyber threats. At MT, we’ve partnered with global cybersecurity leader Fortinet to address these concerns, offering you the confidence to navigate the digital seas securely.

Maritime operations involve a complex web of interconnected systems and processes. Everything, from navigation to cargo management, communication to vessel operations, is becoming digitalized. While these technological strides bring efficiencies, they also offer a fertile ground for cyber-attacks.

Consider the potential fallout of a cyber-attack on a ship’s navigation system or a breach in a port’s cargo management system. The results could be catastrophic, causing operational disruptions, safety risks, reputational damage, and significant financial losses.

Recognizing the unique challenges posed by the maritime sector, MT, in partnership with Fortinet, offers specialized cybersecurity solutions built to withstand these risks. Our solutions range from securing on-shore infrastructures to protecting vessels at sea, forming a robust shield around your operations to deter cyber threats and build resilience.

MT’s cybersecurity services, powered by Fortinet, include state-of-the-art firewalls, advanced threat detection systems, secure communication channels, incident response plans, and continuous monitoring. It’s not just about creating a defensive perimeter; it’s about strengthening your capacity to anticipate and counter threats before they strike.

When you invest in MT’s Fortinet-enhanced cybersecurity services, you’re safeguarding more than just your operations; you’re reinforcing your business continuity. In a world where downtime can cost exorbitant sums, our goal is to ensure your operations run seamlessly and without disruption.

We understand that cybersecurity extends beyond the technical realm. It’s as much about people as it is about technology. That’s why, as part of our Fortinet-empowered solutions, we provide training and awareness programs. We equip your team with the skills and knowledge they need to recognize and effectively respond to cyber threats.

In today’s world, cybersecurity in the maritime sector is no longer an optional extra—it’s a crucial part of 21st-century operations. It’s about protecting your business, your employees, and the global supply chain that heavily depends on maritime transport.

Investing in cybersecurity with MT means more than just security; it’s about future-proofing your operations against an evolving threat landscape. With the power of Fortinet’s innovative solutions, we’re here to guide you through these digital seas, ensuring you can sail forward with unwavering confidence and resilience.

Don’t wait for the storm to hit; prepare with MT’s Fortinet-enhanced cybersecurity services. Welcome to a safer voyage. Welcome to MT.

Milano Teleport and Intelsat present Flex Enterprise

A recent agreement between Milano Teleport and Intelsat has resulted in the promotion of Intelsat FlexEnterprise, a satellite-as-a-service option that delivers increased quality for connectivity and enables quicker expansion for businesses.

Providing benefits of particular interest for the Mining, Construction, Banking and Energy markets, FlexEnterprise can reliably increase network reach and resiliency regardless of local telecom availability. FlexEnterprise offers an opportunity to rapidly scale performance capacity and home in on increased customer demand. With this innovative new satellite-service option from Intelsat and fulfillment by Milano Teleport, organizations can eliminate network gaps and increase connectivity to their entire customer base.

Milano Teleport

With 25 years of experience, MT is one of the world’s leading satellite telecommunications providers. Specialized in Ku, Ka and C-band VSAT connectivity solutions, LEO constellations, 4/5G networks, as well as Cybersecurity. MT operates on several maritime and land verticals, offering a wide variety of services designed around its customers’ needs. MT is valued for their top-of-the-line customer service, support, and flexibility, and its team is comprised of some of the most knowledgeable experts in the industry. MT understands that with constant change comes the need for constant innovation and seeks to continuously improve and advance its technology. The opportunity to join Intelsat in promoting such a unique and vital product was a simple choice.


As the foundational architects of satellite technology, Intelsat operates the world’s most trusted satellite telecom network. Intelsat applies its unparalleled expertise and global scale to connect people, businesses and communities, no matter how difficult the challenge. In addition to its existing portfolio of capacity and managed services like FlexEnterprise, Intelsat is building the future of global communications with the world’s first hybrid, multi-orbit, software-defined 5G network designed for simple, seamless, and secure coverage precisely when and where our customers most need it.


FlexEnterprise allows companies to jumpstart a new service, strengthen their own SD-WAN, digitize with Cloud Connect, and deliver service more successfully than ever before. With a ready-to-deploy, global footprint, FlexEnterprise provides expansion and reliability benefits that have been difficult to find until now.

Customers will now be able to connect users to cloud resources from virtually any location and provide a new level of reach and reliability to SD-WAN deployments regardless of where enterprise locations are stationed or the state of local terrain and climate. And with the Intelsat-designed Service Management Portal, enterprises can enable new sites quickly and monitor activity in real time, making it easier than ever to scale and drive new business quickly and efficiently.

With FlexEnterprise, Milano Teleport is offering its customers a new way to harness the latest in technologies and services to seize and grow new opportunities.

For information feel free to contact us at or at the following link:

MT People: Pasquale

MT People: Pasquale Fico, Technical Presales Engineer

Tell us about your typical day/week

My typical working day is at the office, in close contact with colleagues and Partners; I study the best solutions for always providing tailored and cutting-edge services to the existing and the new potential customers.
I coordinate and supervise some extraordinary tasks for the NOC, providing some references and procedures based on my experience.
I also have the opportunity to travel for knowing in person new customers and partners and/or for working on new Projects.

Which working experience did you have before MT?

Milano Teleport has been my very first work experience in this field, I started in 2013 and now it’s about 10 years since I’ve been working here.When I was really young, during my studies I had the opportunity to work for a few weeks as a waiter in a restaurant and it has been in any case a really formative experience for working in Team and in the public, in straight contact with customers and under pressure.

List 3 things that you enjoy the most about working in MT

The opportunity to see at 360° new things, it’s a constant challenge which allow to learn everyday something new.

The experience to work with international customers and partners from all around the world.

The possibility to work in a Team made of young and smart people.

How do you like to spend your free time (hobbies/passions…)? 

I love to spend my free-time with all my dear ones and with my “rascal dog”.🐶
One of my biggest passion is soccer and I’m a really big fan of the SCC Naples team💙; I really enjoy when we organize amatorial matches among colleagues;
I like to travel, especially in the seaside cities and seeing new places, different cultures and taste typical foods and drinks.🌍
I listen a lot of music and I like to sing, but I’m not good at it.🎤

A favourite quote or phrase:
Never give up

MT and KnowIT partnering to provide the best 4/5G technical solution

MT is proud to partnering with the Peplink European Premium Reseller Know IT Srl.

Thanks to this partnership, we can provide to our Customer the best solution including the latest Peplink and Poynting Technology and the full technical solution managed by MT Certified Engineers.

Riccardo Cavalieri from Know IT states: “Thanks to the skills acquired by MT over the years, Know IT is happy to collaborate with them on projects involving new products with great potential as the Wavehunter: the biggest antenna Dome of Poynting, launched this year.

With the new year, many other news will arrive and we hope many other projects together”

Umberto Gallo, CEO of MT, states: “MT is really happy to collaborate with Know IT on our biggest projects; the support and the professionality from Know IT helps us to give the best solutions to our Customers. 

We are ready for many more projects to collaborate with Know IT over the new year.”

About Know IT:

Know IT Srl is a System Integrator qualified by local and international partners who have been offering companies of all sizes customized solutions in the networking and ICT fields for over 20 years.

The Know IT team has developed a distinctive approach over the years, proposing itself as a consultant and partner of all its customers: an interlocutor able to understand their needs and, through customized solutions, design, implement and manage their entire infrastructure technological.

Want to know more about Know IT can visit:

About MT:

With 25 years of experience, MT is one of the world’s leading satellite telecommunications providers. Specialized in Ku, Ka and C-band VSAT connectivity solutions, as well as 4/5G networks, MT operates on several maritime and land verticals, offering a wide variety of services designed around our customers’ needs.

From its headquarters in Milan and Hamburg, thanks to a network of teleports connected all over the world, as well as a global support network, MT brings its know-how to every continent to meet each customer’s requirements.

Want to know more about MT can visit:

MT Cybersecurity

Are you going out for a while? Did you double-check to see if you locked your door? Hopefully, you did. It is crucial to be vigilant with security measures as you have to protect your assets from getting unauthorized access.

In digitalization, everything that we use belongs to the asset. It could be silly or sensitive information. Information that has the capability to destroy any level of secrecy often gets the priority. The procedure of protecting digital data is called cybersecurity. Cybersecurity is a regular process of protecting data from unauthorized access. We protect the system’s hardware and software, and by doing this, we ensure the protection of the data. We no longer use paper to save information in this digital era. Every bit of data is contained within digital devices. Data is very important for a specific organization or individual person. Hackers are always trying to gain access to this data in order to gain control over the organization or individual. Hackers get access to the data and then steal it, modify it, or destroy it. Then, they go for the financial aspects. The biggest question becomes, how are they getting into it? We are transmitting information and somehow, they are receiving that transmission. That or they are sitting behind the wall and observing the data. We are communicating with others and they are in the middle of that communication channel and hijacking the data.

Cybersecurity has a huge impact on every industry. Organizations need to have a high level of cybersecurity to keep the business running because hackers are getting more skilled day by day. To keep pace with the situation, cybersecurity awareness needs to spread to all. Every sector that is connected with technology needs to follow cybersecurity protocol.

Many sectors have been involved but we will focus on one specifically. Maritime is an industry that has the ability to change any country’s economy. Cost is low and it is easy to use the sea route. Traveling by sea has its complications and so we cannot install any infrastructure there easily. For this reason, we have to use satellites to establish communication between the shore and the vessel.

How do we communicate through the satellite? We use a satellite antenna to transmit and receive and then process the data using other networking devices. To protect the communication channel, devices use different methods and each method has its own strategy to provide protection. Networking devices, IoT devices, and security devices provide protection that is operated and monitored by authorized personnel.

How do we ensure security? First priority is to ensure physical security because there is no way to prevent a cyber-attack if physical security breaches. After ensuring the physical security, we will talk about the security using the security devices.

Today we use the Next Generation firewall as our main security device. What it does in the network for protection is it has deep-level packet inspection features which keep the network safe from infected packets which a regular firewall cannot do. The advanced Intrusion Prevention feature is one of the best attributes it offers. Next generation firewall keeps the record and updates the intelligence of the device to avoid vulnerability. Regular firewalls block traffic and allow or deny packets but next-generation firewalls applies rules for a specific application. Next-generation firewall provides protection for all layers of the OSI model. A firewall is a device that acts first to protect the network and the next-generation firewall is the best of all these.

The security operations center is a place from which we monitor data and take actions as per security policy. SOC members are solely responsible to ensure security for an organization. Their main role is to monitor and investigate the security parameters if any tough situation arises and take necessary actions for that incident. If anyone from the SOC team becomes unreliable, we have to accept that security is at high risk for that organization. For this reason, SOC needs to be incredibly sincere and loyal to ensure security for the industry.

Another vital attribute is known as the end point user or device. The end point device is a laptop, mobile, or other digital devices which we usually use to communicate with others. These devices are responsible for most threats. The organization’s users and employees need to be educated enough to operate the end point device. Proper awareness and training for the user will reduce the possibility of bringing threats inside the organization.

All in all, it is more vital than ever to keep the secrecy of personal and organizational information. We depend on the devices for protection and that is why technology is upgrading day by day and bad people are taking advantage of the gap in the technology.

To know more about MT Cybersecurity Services send an email to: or fill the contact form at this link:

MT People: Ernesto

MT People: Ernesto De Caria, Yachting Sales Manager

Tell us about your typical day/week

My typical working day revolves around my customers. I manage their requests and support them in finding the connectivity solutions to match their needs. Also, I am often on business trips to grow my relationships with existing clients and build relationships with new ones.

Which working experience did you have before MT?

I had my first work experience when I was 20 years old. It was for my family company which I did while I was attending University. It was an entrepreneurial experience that allowed me to get a grip on the whole process of running a business.

List 3 things that you enjoy the most about working in MT

What I enjoy the most about working in MT is the dynamicity of my job; the frequent business trips, and the multicultural environment that I am involved in.

Additionally, in MT there is a young environment and I really enjoy the relationship with my colleagues.

How do you like to spend your free time (hobbies/passions…)? 

In my free time I love to practice sports. My hobbies include tennis, padel, skydiving and motor racing.
I have raced for some years with my racing motorbike.

Tell us about one thing of which you are proud of in your life or work career (or both)

One thing of which I am so proud of is having raced and won a competition with my motorbike. My grandfather was also a driver, I wanted not to disappoint him!

When you’re trying to come up with ideas for a new project, by what do you find inspiration?

When I find myself looking for new ideas, I often find inspiration in prominent personalities who have been successful in the field I am involved in.

A favourite quote or phrase:

Ad maiora!

MT Academy – Marine VSAT Installation Training Registration

The registration to the September 2022 edition for our 2 days “Marine VSAT Installation Training” is open!
This session will take place on September the 23rd and 24th at MT’s Headquarter in Milan. You will have the chance to increase your VSAT knowledge thanks to this course managed by our MT Certified Engineers.

Download the Subscription Form and send it back filled in all its part to:


September 23rd and 24th  

Presence Based Programs


€1.500 per person (VAT Excluded)
For groups of 3 or more people contact us for a special offer.

For the detailed programs send an email to:

MT Academy – Marine VSAT Installation Training

MT Academy is glad to present the 2022 edition of the 2 days “Marine VSAT Installation” Training that will take place on September 23rd and 24th at MT’s Headquarter in Milan.

This Certification Course is uniquely designed for the Maritime Applications and managed by our Certified Engineers, with the aim to equips you with relevant insights into VSAT knowledge, Installation, Hardware and Platforms.


  1. ServiceParameterDescription
    • VSAT basic knowledge
    • Tx/Rx site: basic knowledge equipment
  2. VSAT Installation and Set-Up
    • VSAT Installation
    • Remote side – instalation/setting/maintenance
  3. Line-Up, Cross-Pol
    • Line-Up(1dBCP,CXP,check)
  4. 1st LevelTroubleshooting
    • Troubleshooting analysis


September 23rd and 24th  

Presence Based Programs


€1.500 per person (VAT Excluded)
For groups of 3 or more people contact us for a special offer.

For the detailed programs send an email to:

Milan, 24th January 2022

MT is proud to announce that it has adopted 100% green energy.

 “Thanks to the agreement recently signed with RePower Italia”, says Umberto Gallo, CEO of MT, “today we run our Satellite Antenna Park with the energy produced by the Buseto Palizzolo wind farm in Sicily, bringing our contribution to the reduction of gas emissions “.

MT is committed to doing its part to combat climate change.

AnsuR and MT partnering to deliver high quality visual data transfer

MT is pleased to announce that has become the new AnsuR Technologies (AnsuR) distribution partner.

Through this partnership MT’s customers around the globe, will have access to reliable communications and affordable visual situational awareness via AnsuR’s unique portfolio of solutions, designed to enable cost and bandwidth efficient sharing of photographs, video clips and real-time streaming video from anywhere, to anywhere on the planet.

Supporting a variety of use cases on land and at sea, including remote maintenance, telemedicine, and monitoring, the ASIGN family of software will provide MT’s customers with a cost-effective way  to share high precision images and video clips from a camera source operating at the edge to an online interactive, professional assessment platform enabling rapid situational awareness and accurate decision making.

ASMIRA enables the transfer of real time streaming video in bandwidth challenging environments from fixed and mobile platforms and removes the requirement for dedicated QoS or streaming connections. Using the more cost-effective background connection, HD video and specific regions of interest are transferred at data rates of less than 200kbps and can be shared with multiple viewers simultaneously. ASMIRA delivers increased operational efficiency, safety and security and reduces incident response time as well as SATCOM spend.

Paul Gudonis, AnsuR CEO states “We are incredibly pleased to announce Milano Teleport as the newest member of our distribution network and are excited to be working with the team.  By partnering with MT, customers will benefit from the very best connectivity service and support, coupled with the very best imagery and video transfer software to respond to one of the SATCOM industries biggest challenges”

Ole Peters, Managing Director MT Germany states “Working with AnsuR enables Milano Teleport to tackle one of the greatest challenges in satellite communication – limited bandwidth. Being able to offer these services to our customers is another USP in our portfolio. Knowing Paul from his previous career and following AnsuR from the early stages, we are excited to work with him and his team.”

About AnsuR

AnsuR was started in Oslo, Norway, in 2005, by Dr. Harald Skinnemoen, out of a desire to create ground-breaking visual communication solutions for real-world situations. Since then, AnsuR has grown consistently to include a highly talented and focused group of people working to drive constant improvement and evolution of our solutions to support those for whom visual communication is often mission critical.

Want to know more about AnsuR can visit: