MT People: Pasquale

MT People: Pasquale Fico, Technical Presales Engineer

Tell us about your typical day/week

My typical working day is at the office, in close contact with colleagues and Partners; I study the best solutions for always providing tailored and cutting-edge services to the existing and the new potential customers.
I coordinate and supervise some extraordinary tasks for the NOC, providing some references and procedures based on my experience.
I also have the opportunity to travel for knowing in person new customers and partners and/or for working on new Projects.

Which working experience did you have before MT?

Milano Teleport has been my very first work experience in this field, I started in 2013 and now it’s about 10 years since I’ve been working here.When I was really young, during my studies I had the opportunity to work for a few weeks as a waiter in a restaurant and it has been in any case a really formative experience for working in Team and in the public, in straight contact with customers and under pressure.

List 3 things that you enjoy the most about working in MT

The opportunity to see at 360° new things, it’s a constant challenge which allow to learn everyday something new.

The experience to work with international customers and partners from all around the world.

The possibility to work in a Team made of young and smart people.

How do you like to spend your free time (hobbies/passions…)? 

I love to spend my free-time with all my dear ones and with my “rascal dog”.🐶
One of my biggest passion is soccer and I’m a really big fan of the SCC Naples team💙; I really enjoy when we organize amatorial matches among colleagues;
I like to travel, especially in the seaside cities and seeing new places, different cultures and taste typical foods and drinks.🌍
I listen a lot of music and I like to sing, but I’m not good at it.🎤

A favourite quote or phrase:
Never give up